Optimal Wooded Environment For Big Bucks

koa treesThere are tons of wildlife in our forests. We all know that we can attract certain types of animals based on what we plant near our home. For instance, if you plant specific flowers you can attract birds and planting citronella can repel mosquitos. If you want to create your yard to attract specific animals you have to consider what you are planting. This has never been truer than when choosing the most optimal wooded environment for big bucks.

The Things Deer Love

deerTo provide deer with a reason to come to your lawn, you need to consider their needs. What will they want to find while there? The answer is simple. Most want food, cover, water, and to feel safe.

They will enjoy having a small clearing, but not one that is truly wide open. From there, you will need to have things for them to eat. This may include plant life such as clovers, turnips, kale, corn, soybeans, and others. If you plant mixed seeds, you can attract deer and other animals throughout the year. Chicory and orchard vegetation can also encourage deer to come and visit your property.

Beyond that, you may also plant trees that provide cover and food sources.

Trees For Big Bucks

big bucksIn general, you will do well to plant trees that can also provide food if you want deer to come near. Nuts are always a favorite treat for these animals. Chestnuts, acorns, pecans, and more. Sweet-smelling apple or crab apple trees work as well. The more different types of foods you have available, the more they will come. You may also consider planting quickly growing trees like Acacia koa. This tree is best suited for more tropical areas, like Hawaii. These exotic trees are loved for their beautiful wood by humans because they do have a curly koa burl. For deer, their reason for loving it stems more from its scent and the fact it is part of the pea family.

How to Attract the Big Bucks

Another thing you will need to do in your yard is to prepare the area. They like areas that have tall grass. Keeping the grass near your property a little higher than that closest to your home will provide food and cover, which will give them a sense of safety. If you want, you can add mineral blocks or salt blocks to that area to increase their reason to come to visit you.

You should also make the area easily accessible. Remove fences or take out at least a few sections of your fence so that it is more inviting and easy for them to walk into, and escape from if they get spooked.

As a final thought, the deer space should be away from your home. Lights and sounds will keep them away from your yard, even if you have the perfect feasting place set up for them. You should keep a safe distance away from them at all times, and this does mean allowing them to roam in an area that you will not be in.